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Showing posts from May, 2012

Osho Quotes on Meditation -2

Osho Quotes on Meditation Meditation is going beyond the mind. It has nothing to do with the mind — except going beyond it. It is not a faculty of the mind, it is transcendental to mind. When you can see without the mind in between you and existence, you are in meditation. It is not concentration. It is utterly silent. It is not focusing… it is absolutely unfocused awareness. All these three things — non-violence, non-possessiveness, authenticity and truthfulness — arise without any effort on your part… IF you succeed in meditation. A man of meditation cannot lie. A man of meditation can not hurt anybody; hence he is non-violent. A man of meditation knows perfectly well that all things are ephemeral. You came into the world without anything, and you will have to go from the world without anything; so you can use things — but you cannot possess them. Only one thing is going to remain with you: that is your witnessing, that is your watchfulness. This watchfulness is meditation. Co...