HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD I was very interested in reading about the 'God particle' in media reports this week. The media reported British physicist Peter Higgs saying it should soon be possible to prove the existence of a force which gives mass to the universe and makes life possible. He believes a particle named the "Higgs boson" will be found when a vast particle collider at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) research centre which has been built on the Franco-Swiss border begins operating fully early next year. His earlier efforts to explain why the force, dubbed the Higgs field, must exist were dismissed but today, the existence of an invisible field coming into being milliseconds after the Big Bang created the universe some 15 billion years ago is widely accepted by scientists. Finding the Higgs boson would prove this theory right. CERN's new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) aims to simulate conditions at the time of that primeval inferno by ...